A Lucky Man
I have been passionate about art for all of my life. Literally from the time I could hold a pencil I embarked on a quest to fill every blank space put in front of me. I attained a foundation at Etobicoke School of the Arts but as I grew into a young adult I was not prepared to turn my artwork into a career. It is a scary thing to commit one's thoughts to paper or canvas and show it to the world. Instead I spent many of my formative years working in food service, until the day I had my epiphany and realized I was wasting my creative abilities and time was no longer on my side.
Thankfully I had a very supportive mother who never gave up on me despite my repeated attempts to give up on myself. With her support I enrolled in the Illustration program at Sheridan College where I was able to find myself and my purpose again. I also found someone who would turn out to be my loving wife and mother to our two beautiful children.
From Sheridan I did an internship that led to a paid position at BBDO Toronto, where I was in-house illustrator for nearly five years, learning the ins and outs of advertising illustration and working with some of the top creative minds in the field. Eventually I left BBDO to pursue a freelance career which has allowed me the freedom to choose my own projects and work from home, where my co-workers are no less brilliant but perhaps more untidy.
Today I still continue my battle against blank space, and when I'm not producing artwork for various clients I am working on personal projects and developing my skills with life sketching, sculpting and colouring books.
My co-workers.